Sometimes you have small problems with cars that don’t effect it running but causes you just a minor inconvenience, it’s the sort of thing that you think, that will get looked at tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. Well here at Slide we are ready to help, we can book jobs in usually the same week, for diagnostic checks where our expert dealer trained technicians can diagnose and find the source of the problem. From here we can produce you an estimate on time and price to resolve the issue, sometimes even fixing it at the same time if it’s a small problem.
Don’t think its all just for drift cars or old Japanese motors, we work on all cars including newer vehicles, just this morning we had an M-sport BMW E92 and an Audi S4 in for diagnostics and parts fitting, both turned around in just a few hours!
Basically whatever the car, whatever the worry we will aim to get you the highest quality of work done at the lowest possible price, get in touch with us today for a quote.